Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crazyness of the end of fall term

Cold weather. Very very cold weather lately...
Makes me really not like public transportation.

I'm working on a final essay for Pop Culture on Marooned! How awesome is that?! In no other class could I do that I think. I've had a lot of fun in that class, so if anyone is looking for a Soph. Inq. class to do, I recommend that one.

Everyone is busy with studying for finals. I can really see the stress getting to some of my friends. I want to be able to help cheer them up more, but I'm not sure how...

We're having a dinner for Cher and Kelly since they are leaving really soon (kind of Nat too, but she's just going up to Seattle ha ha). Dinner at the Deschuttes' Brewery, it's gonna be so good! I'm really gonna miss my dear sis!!!

I'm super excited for the Generation Unleashed conference at the end of January!!! It's gonna be SSSSOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! If anyone actually reads this, you should go!!!

O yeah, Thanksgiving vacation was CRAZY but still fun :). Wednesday night I went down to Eugene to pick up Yuka, Hitomi, Asato, and Kale. I met Kale for the first time, and he was a cool dude. Then thursday Thanksgiving! I had so much fun having Cher, Angela, and Kelly over! I think they had a lot of fun too. It was really nice having them there. After that, dropped some people off, picked up others, and all together Jenny, Cher, their Korean friend, Yuka, Asato, Hitomi, Kale, and I all went down to Woodburn for black friday shopping. Yes, thursday night we went. We left PSU at around 11 pm, were about 4 miles away at 1130, and FINALLY got to Woodburn at 2am. CRAZY!! We didn't stay too long, but it was still fun. The only thing I bought was a sandwich at subway ha ha. After that we went straight from there to Washington Square Mall. That was interesting. We all split up, and I just looked around for a while. I got a hot chocolate at starbucks, looked around, and bought a game for 5 bucks. Then I took a nap while everyone else was still shopping. We were there for like 5 hours...

After that took people home, took a nap, and went to work. Work the next day too, and then hung out with Yuka and them some more after work on Saturday, and got to show them Pittock Mansion and Rocky Butte. That was really nice. After that, at about 11, I took them back home down to eugene. When we arrived, I had planned to come right back, but I was so tired that I just stayed there, and came back on sunday. After that went to church, and then got to hang out with Jeff and Phil, playing AoE Conquerors!! Booya!

And during all this, took care of the brown's cats and dogs :P

Crazy but fun!!

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