Friday, December 18, 2009

Times of fun, Avatar, and a totally baked dude

Lots of fun!!!
The last couple of days, I've been able to hang out with Yuka and Asato, along with this dude Tetsuya. A few days ago, we went up to Vista Point (though it was crazy foggy). After that, we went to Multnomah falls, and walked to the top. There were many icy spots, and often hard to walk through, but it was a lot of fun! After that we went to my house and made pancakes. Soooo good!!!! We then went to play Uno. We had a lot of fun.

I just saw Avatar in 3D at the midnight showing. It was really good!!! You should see it. I'll see it again if you like, whoever you are :)

Okay, so this crazy thing happened after the movie. It's like 330 in the morning, and we are on the freeway heading home. We saw a van that had just crashed. Literally, it had to have been seconds before we got there. We pulled over, and I ran out to help the guy. He was bleeding a little and his air bags blew. He was okay, and we were just gonna get him off the freeway, but he asked us to take him home. The thing was, he was totally high on marijuana. We took him home, and he could barely talk, smelled really bad, and even offered some to us. After we dropped them off, I called the cops, and they were confused where the driver of the abandoned van had gone, so that was good. But yeah, pray for that guy.

I'm so sleepy... It's 4:11 in the morning...

Go to Pioneer Square Mall at 1pm this Saturday!!!

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