Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crazy week

I know I should post more often ha ha

So I usually only post when something bad happens to vent, and you never get to read the good stuff!!!

I really feel blessed this week. I've been able to hear from a lot of friends over seas, and it's really nice to catch up. It really makes me think about my friendships and how blessed I am ^_^

Lately I've been feeling that I really want a girlfriend right now, but I know I'm really busy and unless we both went to PSU, it'd be pretty hard. But I know I need to be patient, and God will show the right girl at the right time :) I don't want to screw up what God has planned for me for my own desires. I love my future wife so much, I don't want to just be with anyone cause I really want it right now. I want to save as much as I can for her!!!

This week has also had A LOT of work. I didn't get as much done as I hoped I would tonight, so it looks like tomorrow night will be a long one as well. I could stay up later tonight, but I have class at 1015 tomorrow, as opposed to 2pm on thursday, and the paper is due online thursday morning, so I can stay up later tomorrow.

That's basically it. Lots of work, I feel really blessed. It's good to have friends that support each other ^_^

One of these days I want to write two poems on here: one that I wrote in high school for a class that I'm actually pretty proud of, and another deep one. Don't ask me what about, I dunno yet ha ha.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Niceness leads to crap...

I was doing very well this last week. Feeling pretty good. Yeah, I am sad that Jenny is leaving... I'll miss her a lot. But I know I'll see her again.

But today led it to crap.... Work was REALLY stressful... It was really messy and a huge group made it messy messy messy...

But that's okay, I can take that.

What really screwed me over was when I looked at my bank statement. I had a 30 dollar charge I don't remember doing. After that, 3 other ones I did that were much smaller I went through. But yeah, I didn't have the money, so I got a total of 4 overdraft fees!!!! And I have a pending action for parking, only a buck, but that'll make another fee. 200 bucks in the hole... Damn it... That hurts...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calling lots of people

So, last weekend was VERY interesting

Friday: Phil and I went to Wunderland and I lost my phone...

Saturday: Long story... I looked up the time Yumi was supposed to come. The only flight I saw from Japan stopped in San Francisco and came here, arriving at 12:34, which was around when Yumi said she was coming in (12). Remember, no phone. She doesn't show up. I wait for an hour, looking everywhere, and no where to be found!! What to do?! So I go home, and see if she contacted me at all. No messages, so I thought maybe she got stuck in San Francisco. I got another phone, same number, but I don't have any numbers!!! I go to the airport again. Nothing!!! I can't call her!! So what do I do? I get on MSN on my phone to see if she is on. She isn't, but Angela is!!! She doesn't have Yumi's number, but she does have Jenny's!! (Thank you Angela!!) So from Angela I get Jenny's number. From Jenny I get Erika's number. From Erika, I got Yuka's number. And from Yuka, I got Yumi's number!! Yay!! But it doesn't work :P

Anyway, later that night I found out that she actually went to Seattle first for a transfer, and got to PDX before I did, and took a cab to PSU. So she was safe and okay.

Sunday was crazy too, but that's an even longer story!!!

Anyway, I'm pretty beat. I've been feeling lonely, but I think part of it is that I've missed church the last two weeks!!! Gah!!! I need it!!! My job has scheduled me twice during the time I usually go, so I'm kinda mad, so if it happens again, I'm gonna say something.

O! I got to see a very good old friend from high school and we got to catch up, and that was really really nice, so I'm happy about that :)

Thank you to my friends that I can always count on (especially to the only one probably reading this ^_^)

Friday, January 1, 2010

I need a break...

I dunno if anyone will read this...

But I got a little hurt. I really shouldn't be with her anyway. I know we aren't official, but apparently she doesn't consider us really together. I gotta stop puttying myself out there... Just let God give the right girl for me, and not even try. I screw up when I try